Is Organic Worth The Price?

Every time you turn around, there's something new that you MUST use to be your healthiest. Sometimes, all the hype is real, but unfortunately sometimes it's not and you spend more money for no benefits. Is that true of organic food? Is it worth paying a higher the price? The...

The Benefits Of Green Tea

At Targeted Nutrition Technology in Auburn, WA, we help clients reach their best possible self by providing the aid through exercise and diet. Diet includes making healthy choices in what they drink. Water is always a good choice, but there are also drinks that have other benefits, beyond just hydration,...

Feed Me, I’m Cranky

You know the feeling, you're desperate for something sweet and snap at colleagues and family members. It's what Snickers used for the base of their Superbowl commercials. A cranky Betty White or Abe Vigoda playing football as cranky old people and then magically turning back to the real players after...